Ofta er hent at vita um "command line switches" fyri tey ymisku forritini & kanska serliga fyri Outlook frá Microsoft..

Her eru nøkur dømi yvir tær kanska mest nýttu..

outlook.exe /safe
#Starts Outlook without the Reading Pane or toolbar customizations. Both native and managed Component Object Model (COM) add-ins are turned off.
outlook.exe /checkclient
#Prompts for the default manager of e-mail, news, and contacts.
outlook.exe /profiles
#Opens the Choose Profile dialog box regardless of the Options setting on the Tools menu.
outlook.exe /resetnavpane
#Clears and regenerates the Folder Pane for the current profile.
outlook.exe /resetfolders#Restores missing folders at the default delivery location.
outlook.exe /resetfoldernames
#Resets default folder names (such as Inbox or Sent Items) to default names in the current Office user interface language.
outlook.exe /cleanviews
#Restores default views. All custom views you created are lost.

NB!  Altíð tryggja tær at Outlook ikki koyrir áðrenn tú koyrir omanfyri kommandoir (t.d. WIN+R > outlook.exe /profiles)..

Sí annars Microsoft heimasíðuna fyri at síggja yvirlit yvir fleiri..
